How many facilities are using OnePacs currently?
OnePacs is currently deployed at approximately 7,000 facilities across the United States — as well as at hundreds of facilities outside of the United States — processing a large volume of studies, ranging from nighthawk preliminary examinations with a short retention time to permanently archived final reads. OnePacs processes hundreds of millions of DICOM images yearly.
What technologies are used to keep data secure?
All aspects of the OnePacs system are fully HIPAA compliant. All data transmitted to the OnePacs web server from imaging facilities are encrypted with the United States national data encryption standard, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), through a TLS-negotiated protocol. No unencrypted data is ever transmitted over the internet. Data is stored in a physically secure location and protected by hardened network security, subject to 24/7 physical plant monitoring, and serviced by multiple redundant power supplies, an on-site generator, and multiple redundant internet service providers. Username and password authentication via SSL-encrypted web sessions are required to access any information in the OnePacs system, and all accesses or attempts to access information on the OnePacs system are logged in detail, including the accessing user, access time and date, the specifics of the accessed data, as well as the originating IP address of the access or access attempt.
What technical support is offered for OnePacs?
OnePacs teams up with your group’s IT and hospital facility IT resources to ensure rapid and smooth downtime-free onboardings. After the go-live date, 24/7 on-demand on-call support is available.
What integration options are available with other PACS, RIS, and EMR systems?
OnePacs offers a variety of solutions for HL7 and other integration methods with customer PACS, RIS, and EMR systems. We assist customers with setup and configuration as well as on-call technical support. OnePacs provides HL7 interfacing to upload reports directly into local RIS/PACS systems.